Friday, January 18, 2019

Bodybuilding Journey Physique Update 2.

Today I want to share with you my second physique update blog.  I am going to share with you the good and the bad that I have noticed over the past month and a half or so, and what I am going to continue doing and what I am going to change.

First I would like to start off with the good.  

I have noticed an overall improvement in my physique.  Mainly in my arms and legs.  Which used to be the hardest muscles for me to grown.  Now that I have been trying different exercises, I have been able to find out what is working best for growth in these areas.

This is going to be very helpful along my journey as I will be able to not only grow my limbs faster than before, but hopefully give you some useful ways to grow yours faster as well!

The bad

The one muscle group I need to work on better is my back.  It seems as if I gained no muscle at all.  But I also did put on a little bit of fat, which showed up on my back as well as my stomach.  

So the first thing I am going to work on is implementing one or 2 more back exercises into my back routine and see if that helps it grow a little bit more over the next month.

The other thing, is that I am going to still eat a good amount of food, but not as much as I was over the last month and half.  I noticed that when I have peanut butter, I tend to over eat it.  So although I love peanut butter in shakes, on apples, or even just by the spoonful, I am either only going it to buy it every other week, or use enough per day to last me 2 weeks.

Closing thoughts.

I hope that this blog inspired you to start a physique progress challenge of your own, not only to hold yourself accountable, but to create the change in your physique that you would be proud to see!

Live your life to the fullest,


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